
Ocean Circulation and Wave Studies

Date:Sep 02, 2009    |  【 A  A  A 】

  Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Wave Studies, CAS, aims at topics of dynamics of ocean circulation and climate echoing, remote sensing and numeric simulation of marine environment and climate in the West Pacific and East Indian Ocean; Chinese nearshore major circulation and its environmental impact; meso-scale marine observation and forecast; non-linear mechanism of ocean circulation and mixing; methodology and application of marine RS (remote sensing); data assimilation and numeric forecast, and so on. The laboratory led and undertook many national frontier research projects including “973 Project”, “863 Project”. The results from these research projects have solved multiple important scientific problems with many creative theories and discoveries, such as the South China Sea—Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass Circulation, the South China Sea Warm Current, the East China Sea Cold Eddy, Zhejiang Offshore Upwelling, and the Pacific Mindanao Undercurrent, which greatly advanced China into international levels in ocean circulation, flux, and interaction of land-sea and ocean-atmosphere Studies.

Scientific discovery and research results RS monitoring, information integration and application in Chinese coastal zones
Study on low-latitude ocean circulation and climate Multidiscipline oceanographic expedition
Research on the RS basis & application of sea surface radar In situ high-resolution observation in the South China Sea
The theory of physical property of marine environmental materials Internal wave, multi-scale eddy structure, and double circulation cell structure, in agreement of satellite RS results

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