
IOCAS Participates in 24th ISOM

Date:Jun 10, 2011    |  【 A  A  A 】

The Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) took part in the 24th International Research Ship Operators' Meeting (ISOM) in Seattle, Washington of USA on May 25-28, 2011.

IOCAS deputy director LI Tiegang gave an outline of new research vessels in China as well as the ongoing S&T infrastructure “Comprehensive Ocean Research Vessel Project”. SUI Yiyong in charge of the project delivered a report on acoustic equipment under influence of the bow outline and the solution.

The attendees conducted discussion on new research vessels, marine scientific and ships' operational equipment, changing scientific requirements, voyage planning, manning, training, classifications and certifications, liabilities and insurances, and equipment exchange and vessel barters.

ISOM was founded in 1986, and is an informal annual meeting of managers of ocean research ship fleets for the purposes of discussion topics and sharing information of mutual interest. China became its member in the 19th ISOM in 2005 and first held the meeting series in 2007 when the 21th ISOM opened in Qingdao.

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