Research News
  • How Do Atmospheric Water Vapor and Energy Transport Affect Sea Ice Variations?
    Atmospheric water vapor and energy transport play an important role in the Arctic climate. Changes in atmospheric energy and water vapor influx to the Arctic would have a significant impact on the interannual variations and long-term trend of sea ice th...Atmospheric water vapor and energy transport play an important role in the Arctic climate. Changes in atmospheric energy and water vapor influx to the Arctic would have a significant impact on the interannual variations and long-term trend of sea ice th...
    Apr 08, 2022
  • Study Unveils Two Flavors of Intraseasonal Variability and Their Dynamics in North Equatorial Current/Undercurrent Region
    As the origin of the western boundary currents and the boundary between tropical and subtropical gyres in the North Pacific, the North Equatorial Current (NEC) plays a significant role in the water mass balance and heat budget of the North Pacific. As the origin of the western boundary currents and the boundary between tropical and subtropical gyres in the North Pacific, the North Equatorial Current (NEC) plays a significant role in the water mass balance and heat budget of the North Pacific.
    Apr 02, 2022
  • Unique "Giant-colony" Ecotype Leads to Intense Blooms of Phaeocystis globosa in South China Sea
    Haptophyte Phaeocystis globosa is an important causative agent of harmful algal blooms (HABs) globally. Outbreaks of P. globosa blooms usually occur in the eutrophic coastal waters in the form of colonies and lead to adverse impacts on marine ecosystems...Haptophyte Phaeocystis globosa is an important causative agent of harmful algal blooms (HABs) globally. Outbreaks of P. globosa blooms usually occur in the eutrophic coastal waters in the form of colonies and lead to adverse impacts on marine ecosystems...
    Apr 02, 2022
  • How Does Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulate El Nino-related Eastward Transport Anomaly?
    The Equatorial Intermediate Currents (EICs) contribute to global circulation, climate variability, and distributions of heat, watermass, and biogeochemical quantities. The Equatorial Intermediate Currents (EICs) contribute to global circulation, climate variability, and distributions of heat, watermass, and biogeochemical quantities.
      In the past few years, the research team led by Prof. WANG Fan from the Institute...
    Apr 01, 2022
  • Study Reveals Novel Supporting Material for Photocatalyst Powders' Recyclable Application
    Various photocatalyst powders (such as bismuth oxide/bismuth oxyiodide) can remove contaminants and microorganism from waterbody efficiently, but their practical application was limited due to poor recovery performance. Various photocatalyst powders (such as bismuth oxide/bismuth oxyiodide) can remove contaminants and microorganism from waterbody efficiently, but their practical application was limited due to poor recovery performance.
      Previous studies used magnetr...
    Mar 29, 2022
  • Researchers Determine Critical Threshold of Dissolved Oxygen for Survival of Blue Mussel
    The blue mussel Mytilus edulis, which is a common species of the family Mytilidae, is widely distributed and cultured in coastal waters, where it plays an important role in the food web and carbon cycle and is a valuable fishery and mariculture commodit...The blue mussel Mytilus edulis, which is a common species of the family Mytilidae, is widely distributed and cultured in coastal waters, where it plays an important role in the food web and carbon cycle and is a valuable fishery and mariculture commodit...
    Mar 28, 2022
  • Dune Field Battles are Found in Progress on the Seafloor: Study
    The self-organized and rhythmical shapes of sand waves/dunes and the related physical mechanisms are always attractive to scientists. Till now, massive studies have been deployed on the formation, dynamics, evolution of individual dunes on the seafloor....The self-organized and rhythmical shapes of sand waves/dunes and the related physical mechanisms are always attractive to scientists. Till now, massive studies have been deployed on the formation, dynamics, evolution of individual dunes on the seafloor....
    Mar 23, 2022
  • Argo Observations Reveal Structure and Evolution of Decadal Spiciness Variability in North Pacific During 2004-2020
    Ocean spiciness is referred to as density-compensated temperature and salinity variations with warm (cool) and salty (fresh) waters having high (low) spiciness, respectively. However, the structure and evolution of density-compensated spiciness anomalie...Ocean spiciness is referred to as density-compensated temperature and salinity variations with warm (cool) and salty (fresh) waters having high (low) spiciness, respectively. However, the structure and evolution of density-compensated spiciness anomalie...
    Mar 23, 2022