Research News
  • First reveal of geochemical nature of the sub-ridge mantle and opening dynamics of the South China Sea
    This study reports geochemical nature of extensional oceanic crust in the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 349, and shows that the South China Sea has characteristics of Indian-type mantle source and the two sub-basins in east and...The South China Sea was formed by rifting of the southeast Euro-Asia continent, and is one of the largest continental marginal basins in the western Pacific. It is located at the junction of the Euro-Asia continent, the Indian Ocean and the western Paci...
    Mar 27, 2018
  • 3rd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate
    The abstract submission of 3rd Open Science Symposium (OSS) on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate (WPOC) is to be closed on March 31. Please distribute it within your own institution and to other colleagues and groups that you think might be ...3rd Open Science Symposium
      on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate
      The abstract submission of 3rd Open Science Symposium (OSS) on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate (WPOC) is to be closed on March 31. Please distribute it wit...
    Mar 27, 2018
  • Scientists and exhibiters attended 2018 ocean science meeting
    2018 ocean science meeting (OSM 2018) is held during February 11-16 in Portland, Oregon, US. Following the rules of our institute, here we report the situation of the scientists and techniques’ attendance.2018 ocean science meeting (OSM 2018) is held during February 11-16 in Portland, Oregon, US. Following the rules of our institute, here we report the situation of the scientists and techniques’ attendance.
      This meeting attracted more than 4000 ocea...
    Mar 12, 2018
  • Peter Brewer receives award from Chinese Academy of Sciences
    On January 23, 2018, MBARI Senior Adjunct Peter Brewer received the 2017 Award for International Scientific Cooperation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). According to the academy’s web site, the annual award “honors top researchers from outs...On January 23, 2018, MBARI Senior Adjunct Peter Brewer received the 2017 Award for International Scientific Cooperation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). According to the academy’s web site, the annual award “honors top researchers from outs...
    Mar 12, 2018
  • New evidences confirm the economic shellfish Mya arenaria as a species complex
    The soft-shell clam is a commercially important fishery resource that occurs in boreal and temperate environments in the Northern Hemisphere. Whether the soft-shell clam is a single species of Mya arenaria Linneaus.The soft-shell clam is a commercially important fishery resource that occurs in boreal and temperate environments in the Northern Hemisphere. Whether the soft-shell clam is a single species of Mya arenaria Linneaus, 1758 with a circumboreal range or a c...
    Feb 02, 2018
  • Topographic Beta Spiral and Onshore Intrusion of the Kuroshio Current
    The water and material exchange between global ocean and marginal sea is attracting immense research interest because it significantly influences the coastal hydrodynamic environment and ecosystem. Because of the steep topography associated with shelf b...The water and material exchange between global ocean and marginal sea is attracting immense research interest because it significantly influences the coastal hydrodynamic environment and ecosystem. Because of the steep topography associated with shelf b...
    Jan 29, 2018
  • Unusual structural features of the dUTPase of white spot syndrome virus provide a unique opportunity for antiviral development
    White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a serious pathogen in shrimp aquaculture, causing $1 billion economic loss every year since its emergence more than 20 years ago. It is a large DNA virus and the sole member of the genus Whispovirus and the family Nim...White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a serious pathogen in shrimp aquaculture, causing $1 billion economic loss every year since its emergence more than 20 years ago. It is a large DNA virus and the sole member of the genus Whispovirus and the family Nim...
    Jan 23, 2018
  • China Realizes Real-time Transmission of Deep-Sea Data in 3000 meters Depth
    Chinese scientists announced recently that they had upgraded 8 sets of subsurface moorings to achieve “live transmission” of deep-sea data over the upper 1000 meters depth, and had realized real-time transmission of temperature, salinity, and three-di...The research vessel “Kexue” has embarked its expedition in the Western Pacific since 26th November, 2017. Chinese scientists announced recently that they had upgraded 8 sets of subsurface moorings to achieve “live transmission” of deep-sea data over...
    Jan 09, 2018