
Strong influence of westerly wind bursts on El Ni?o diversity

Date:Apr 24, 2015    |  【 A  A  A 】

Despite the tremendous progress in the theory, observation and prediction of El Ni?o over the past three decades, the classification of El Ni?o diversity and the genesis of such diversity are still debated. This uncertainty renders El Ni?o prediction a continuously challenging task, as manifested by the absence of the large warm event in 2014 that was expected by many. We propose a unified perspective on El Ni?o diversity as well as its causes, and support our view with a fuzzy clustering analysis and model experiments. Specifically, the interannual variability of sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean can generally be classified into three warm patterns and one cold pattern, which together constitute a canonical cycle of El Ni?o/La Ni?a and its different flavours. Although the genesis of the canonical cycle can be readily explained by classic theories, we suggest that the asymmetry, irregularity and extremes of El Ni?o result from westerly wind bursts, a type of state-dependent atmospheric perturbation in the equatorial Pacific. Westerly wind bursts strongly affect El Ni?o but not La Ni?a because of their unidirectional nature. We conclude that properly accounting for the interplay between the canonical cycle and westerly wind bursts may improve El Ni?o prediction.

Our understanding of El Ni?o dynamics started from the recognition that it is a coupled variability of the tropical Pacific ocean–atmosphere system1. Present theories can be generally grouped into two different frameworks, one considering El Ni?o/La Ni?a as a regular and self-sustaining oscillation with its timescale determined by the recharge and discharge of the equatorial upper-ocean heat content2345, and the other regarding it as a highly damped oscillation with each event triggered by atmospheric noise, especially the westerly wind bursts (WWBs) in the tropical western Pacific6789. The former framework can be readily applied to the basic El Ni?o/La Ni?a cycle and is consistent with the high potential predictability of El Ni?o101112, whereas the latter seems to explain the irregularity of El Ni?o yet suggests that it is virtually unpredictable at long lead times. To better describe El Ni?o diversity and to provide a dynamically consistent interpretation for such diversity, we need a unified perspective that considers the different views on the classification of El Ni?o diversity, and reconciles the present theories to account for the interaction between the low-frequency recharge–discharge oscillation and the stochastic atmospheric forcing1314.

Every El Ni?o event is different from others, but it is often useful to classify different events into a few distinctive types according to the common manifestation, mechanism and impact of each type. In early years, El Ni?o was mostly studied in a composite form, such as the 'canonical El Ni?o' constructed by Rasmusson and Carpenter15 based on seven events in the 1960–1970s, which has the largest variance in the central-eastern equatorial Pacific and remains the average pattern when all known events over the past 150 years are taken into account10. It was then suggested that El Ni?o could be classified into two or three basic types16. In the same spirit, a series of recent studies have emphasized the different flavours of El Ni?o, with particular attention to a type that consists of warm events centred in the central-western equatorial Pacific1718192021. In contrast to the strong El Ni?o that occurs in the eastern Pacific cold tongue, weak warm events of this type have been named “El Ni?o Modoki”18, “warm-pool El Ni?o”19 or “central Pacific El Ni?o”21. It has been suggested that the spatial pattern of El Ni?o Modoki could be an artefact of the orthogonality requirement of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis22. It was further argued that this mode is not distinctively different from the canonical El Ni?o, and that El Ni?o should instead be considered primarily as a broad central Pacific phenomenon plus a few extremely strong eastern Pacific events23.

As an alternative to EOF and composite analyses, we apply the fuzzy clustering method24 (see Methods) to the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly data from HadISST25 over the past 50 years. This naturally and consistently reveals three warm patterns and essentially only one cold pattern (Fig. 1). The first warm pattern (Fig. 1a) consists of extremely strong El Ni?o events that had the largest warming near the South American coast. The second warm pattern (Fig. 1b) is a cluster of weak warm events centred near the dateline, very similar to the 'warm-pool El Ni?o' that has recently aroused a great deal of interest. The third (Fig. 1c) is basically the canonical El Ni?o with moderate warming in the central-eastern equatorial Pacific, which is quite symmetric to the only cold pattern identified (Fig. 1d–f). Thus, there seems to be a symmetric, canonical cycle in the central-eastern equatorial Pacific that represents a large portion of El Ni?o and La Ni?a events. Superimposed on this basic cycle are rare extreme El Ni?o events in the eastern Pacific and weak but more frequent warm events near the dateline, which collectively give El Ni?o its different flavours.

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