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  • Volcanic ash clouds can cross Atlantic Ocean
    The discovery, which was made in partnership with an international team of academics and has been published in the journal Geology, is the first evidence that ash clouds can travel across the A...
  • Environmental bleaching impairs long-term coral reproduction
    Professor Don Levitan, chair of the Department of Biological Science, writes in the latest issue of Marine Ecology Progress Series that bleaching -- a process where high water temperatures or U...
  • 'Aquatic osteoporosis' jellifying lakes

      A plague of "aquatic osteoporosis" is spreading throughout many North American soft-water lakes due to declining calcium levels in the water and hindering the survival of some organisms, s...
  • Time-lapse photos and synched weather data unlock Antarctic secrets
    Brown researchers use remote data-gathering equipment to study long-term meteorological and geological forces at work in Antarctica. Time-lapse photography synched with weather data also helps ...
  • Geologists discover ancient buried canyon in South Tibet
    A team of researchers from Caltech and the China Earthquake Administration has discovered an ancient, deep canyon buried along the Yarlung Tsangpo River in south Tibet, north of the eastern end...
  • Reef-builders with a sense of harmony
    Cold-water corals of the species Lophelia pertusa are able to fuse skeletons of genetically distinct individuals. On dives with JAGO, a research submersible stationed at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre...
  • The secret life of the sea trout
    They use listening stations and special tags they attach to their subjects to track their movements.
      They follow their subjects winter and summer, day and night.
      They are in pursuit of ...
  • Plump turtles swim better: First models of swimming animals
    For the first time, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Florida Atlantic University (FAU), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have measured the force...
  • Green spaces don't ensure biodiversity in urban areas
    The researchers surveyed two types of tree in an urban area in Iowa, and recorded the abundance of two insects that interact with them. They found that while there were plenty of the trees, bla...
  • Penguin chick weights connected to local weather conditions
    As the WAP climate warms, it is changing from a dry, polar system to a warmer, sub-polar system with more rain.
      University of Delaware oceanographers recently reported a connection between ...