From Planet Earth Online No one has ever recorded a plant or animal growing again after being frozen for so long. Until now, the physical limit was thought to be just 20 or 30 years for com...
Earth dodged a huge magnetic bullet from the sun on July 23, 2012. According to University of California, Berkeley, and Chinese researchers, a rapid succession of coronal mass ejections -- ...
The world's oceans cover more than 72 percent of Earth's surface, impact a major part of the carbon cycle, and contribute to variability in global climate and weather patterns. However, accurat...
Far beneath the surface of the ocean, deep currents act as conveyer belts, channeling heat, carbon, oxygen and nutrients around the globe. A new study by the University of Pennsylvania's Ir...
The strongest trade winds have driven more of the heat from global warming into the oceans. But when those winds slow, that heat will rapidly return to the atmosphere causing an abrupt rise in ...
From ScienceDaily In the world of science, one of the most exciting things a researcher can do is pin down an answer to a widely asked question. This experience came early for Carleton Univ...
The wonder of animal movement -- from the tiniest of insects to the largest fish in the sea -- has been a subject of mystery for ages. But when it comes to animal propulsion, there are almost i...
One of science's strongest dogmas is that complex life on Earth could only evolve when oxygen levels in the atmosphere rose to close to modern levels. But now studies of a small sea sponge fish...
Why management strategies must take into account regional conditions 12 February 2014/Kiel. In the Baltic Sea, two cod stocks evolve independently. Also the juveniles of two economical...
From San Francisco State University SAN FRANCISCO -- A pearl net filled with seedpods, tethered by a rope anchored in the coastal mud but swaying with the tide, could be an especially ...