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IOCAS’ Project on Seaweed Polysaccharides Vegetable Empty Capsules Passes Acceptance Checks
Update time: 2010-12-10
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The 863 Program “Preparation and Industrialization of Seaweed Polysaccharides Vegetable Empty Capsules”, undertaken by the Institute of Oceanology under Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS), has passed acceptance checks by the Marine Technology Office under Project 863 on November 29, 2010.

The program achieved key technologies in preparing empty capsules from seaweed polysaccharides and dietary fibers, developed production techniques and improved producing facilities of seaweed polysaccharides vegetable empty capsules.

It has been tested that the empty capsules displayed sound clinical effectiveness and were in line with the national standard in every respects. With good stability, small loss of weight upon drying and low heavy metal content, they were massively manufactured by enterprises and sold worldwide with an output of 40 million Yuan this year, showing good momentum in future market.

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