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Six Subjects of National Science & Technology Support Program Passed the Acceptance
Update time: 2010-12-24
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The “11th Five-Year Plan”national science and technology support program “Corrosion Control Technology and Application in Spray Splash Zone of Marine Engineering Structure” subject inspection meeting having been held in the Institute of Oceanology, CAS (IOCAS) on November 24th. Six topics have been passed the acceptance by the experts.

The “11th Five-Year Plan”national science and technology support program “Corrosion Control Technology and Application in Spray Splash Zone of Marine Engineering Structure” was undertaken by Chinese Academy of Sciences and Office of Science and Technology of Shandong Province. The purpose is for anticorrosion of marine engineering facilities of China such as ocean oil platforms, piers and harbor bridge. Through the cooperation research of institutes and enterprises, they have achieved results in corrosion protection and key restoration technology at in-service and new steel, reinforced concrete structure facilities in ocean spray splash zone, advanced and practical steel corrosion detection technology, corrosion monitoring technology, safety evaluation technology, life prediction and data simulation technology. Thus, enhanced the  corrosion protection and control technology in  major engineering facilities of marine engineering, established corrosion risk evaluation criteria and applicable common anti-corrosion protection products and technical standards to marine engineering facilities . The research provided technical support and guarantee for major marine construction corrosion control and engineering facilities of china, and pushing forward a group of related marine anti-corrosion industry.

Among the subjects, “Anti-Corrosion Repair Techniques and Engineering Demonstration of Steel Construction in Service in Marine Spray Splash Zone” subject which was undertaken by academician Hou Bao rong,  has achieved lots of furits.

Rust-resistant mineral grease, Oil-Coated High Tenacity Wrapping, Protective Coat of High Strength and Easy Processing and Fast Curing High Strength Protective Jacket On-Site Molding Technology were studied in the subject. The optimization design and assembly techniques of the anticorrosion and restoration system of the different steel structure layers in spray splash areas on offshore oil drilling platform were also studied in the subject. Meanwhile, aiming at the most serious corrosion of the marine environment—corrosion in spray splash areas, mineral grease layers covering steel structure technology was established. It can be applied to both regular and irregular steel structure anticorrosion repair due to easy surface treatment (level St2) and convenient construction with water. What’s more, researchers finished engineering models of this technique on steel stakes in Qingdao Port and Ningbo coal dock, whose total spray splash area is 2200m2. And the engineering model of pipe steel supporting stakes on two offshore oil drilling platform of Shengli Oil Field was also finished. Thirteen invention patents were requested in this subject, and 4 of them were authorized. Commissioning by China Industry Anticorrosion Technology Association, 4 manufacturer's standards were established. And 70 papers were published, 21 of which were included in SCI and EI. Besides, 2 books were published. 11 doctor's degree students ,15 master's degree students and 6 post-doctors were trained.

The project has set six subjects, namely: “Anti-Corrosion Repair Techniques and Engineering Demonstration of Steel Construction in Service in Marine Spray Splash Zone”, “Anti-Corrosion Technology and Engineering Demonstration of the New Marine Construction Steel Structures”, “The Key Technology of Anticorrosion of Marine Engineering Reinforced Concrete Structures and Engineering Demonstration”, “Inspection and Monitoring Technology of Marine Corrosion and Protection of Engineering Structures”, “Marine Safety Evaluation of Corrosion of Steel Structures and Life Prediction Technology”, “Marine Engineering Structures Corrosion Damage Database and Digital Simulation System”. The total funding of the project was 45.64 million Chinese Yuan ($6.87million).

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