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“ Corrosion Control Technology and Application in Spray Splash Zone of Marine Engineering Structure” Passed Acceptance Check
Update time: 2011-04-02
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The “11th Five-Year Plan” national science and technology support program “Corrosion Control Technology and Application in Spray Splash Zone of Marine Engineering Structure” acceptance conference having been convened in Beijing on Feb, 18, 2011.

During the Acceptance meeting, the project's chief scientist, Chinese Academy of Engineering academician and researcher in Institute of Oceanology, CAS, HOU Baorong has reported the achievements in the last 4 years of project implementation. The experts on the meeting highly appraised the work on the project, and all agreed the project to pass the acceptance check.

The project “Corrosion Control Technology and Application in Spray Splash Zone of Marine Engineering Structure" was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2007 and finished the acceptance check of all six topics in November 2010. This project aimed at developing system investigation to solve the problems of anti-corrosion and monitoring where the spray splash zone of marine engineering structure confronting, and got a series of innovative achievements in anti-corrosion, monitoring and evaluation, anti-corrosion database, respectively.  It also developed a series of technologies in multilayer cladding anti-corrosion. Applied for 76 patents, including 69 invent patents, and got 22 domestic patents, published 375 papers and compiled 8 monographs. Agglomerated and cultivated a high level science and technology team in marine project of corrosion and protection field.

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