The scientists of IOCAS (Prof. J.N. Chen's team, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) computed the air-sea heat fluxes over Indian and Pacific Ocean by the COARE3.0 bulk flux algorithm and neural network algorithm from the SSM/I and AVHRR satellite data. This air-sea heat flux data were named Indian-Pacific Ocean air-sea heat Flux(IPOFlux)Data and were released free on 15 June, 2012.
The air-sea heat flux mainly characterized heat exchange process and variation in the air-sea interface. It plays an important role in the ocean and atmospheric science research. There are less products about the air-sea heat flux because the hard observing on the sea. Only the GSSTF2, OAFlux and HOAPS3 datasets are recognized internationally. IPOFlux data filled the domestic blank in this field.
IPOFlux data were computed by the advanced method of COARE3.0 bulk flux algorithm. The near surface air temperature and specific humidity couldn't be obtained from the satellite remote data. So the scientists construct the relationship between the observing datasets from National Data Buoy Center (NDBC, ) and Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project (TAO, ) and the satellite remote data firstly. Then the near surface air temperature and specific humidity are retrieved by the neural network algorithm from the AVHRR SST and SSM/I wind speed, rain rate, columnar cloud liquid water and columnar water vapor.
This work was supported by Knowledge innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences “The interactions between the multispheres in the earth system and Asian monsoon interannual and interdecadal variations” and National Science and Technology Plan 973 “Structures, Variability and Climatic Impacts of Ocean Circulation and Warm Pool in the Tropical Pacific Ocean ”. The data’s temporal coverage is from Jan. 1988 to dec. 2009 and spatial resolution is 0.5°×0.5°. Data are released free and available at or email