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New Biofunctional Material for Aquacultural Water Treatment Synthesized
Update time: 2012-07-12
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A new biofunctional material (nano-Cu2O/shell composites) for aquacultural water treatment has been successfully synthesized by Professor Xiaobin Zhu's team, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS). And passed the acceptance on June 9th, 2102
The new biofunctional composites were synthesized from marine natural biological substances, such as shell, kelp et al. by acid washing, drying, activating and grinding. The synthesis was taken place in a thermodynamically stable micro-reaction system. At first, chemicals and high-temperature activated shell powders were added into the micro-reaction system with vigorous magnetic stirring. Nano-Cu2O is adsorbed onto the surface of activated shells by in situ hydrolysis. The yellow precipitates were filtered off and washed with water to give nano-Cu2O/shell composites.
This new functional material showed strong antibacterial activity and can remove harmful heavy metal from water. The application of this material can reduce the use of traditional antibacterial drugs in aquaculture, thereby decrease the drug residues in ecological environment.


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