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Two articles of IOCAS Appraised as Top 20 Articles by BioMedLib
Update time: 2012-07-16
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On May 2. 2012, SHEN Zhiliang, researcher of Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IOCAS) was notified by BioMedLib in international biomedical domain that their two articles have been appraised as Top 20 Articles in related specialty since 2003.

BioMedLib is a search engine in international biomedical direction, In all published papers,  the MEDLINE database automatically decides the best papers published in the field. At present, the works of BioMedLib for development and management are emceed by Biomedical Library, University of Minnesota (US). According to the original order, papers are introduced as follows:

Article 1. Shen Z, Liu Q, Zhang S, Miao H, Zhang P, A nitrogen budget of the Changjiang river catchment. 
     Ambio, 2003, 32 (1): 65-9.

Nitrogen budget of the Changjiang river catchment was first quantitatively estimated. The results show that the N in the Changjiang river and its mouth came mainly from precipitation, agricultural nonpoint source N losses, point source industrial waste, residential sewage, etc., and that the N from precipitation was the primary source of high N content in the Changjiang river and its mouth. However, the N from precipitation is related to agricultural activities and N imported from precipitation was only a direct cause of high content of N in the Changjiang river and its mouth.

Article 3. Shen ZL, Liu Q, Nutrients in the Changjiang River. Environ Monit Assess, 2009,153(1-4): 27-44.

Distributions, variations and removals of concentrations and molar ratios of various forms of N, P and SiO3-Si in the Changjiang mainstream and tributaries in the dry and flood seasons were systematically observed and the relationships of nutrient concentrations and suspended matter, runoff in the Changjiang River and historical changes in nutrient concentrations and its influences on ecological environment were discussed. Nutrient transport from tributaries to mainstream and export fluxes of nutrients in the Changjiang River mouth were also estimated in this paper.

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