The project “Impacts of Kuroshio and its variability on Chinese coastal ecosystems”, which is the task 2 of the Strategic Priority Research Program “Materials and energy transfer in tropical western Pacific Ocean and its impacts” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), held a workshop in Qingdao from June 19th to 21st, 2013. Professor Mu Mu, Academician of CAS, and five other experts were invited to review the implementation plans of its five sub-tasks. Professor Sun Song, principle investigator of the program, Professor Wang Dongxiao, member of the scientific committee, and about 60 other members of the program participated the meeting. Experts and administrators from the Branch of Information and Marine sciences, Bureau of Major Research and Development Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute of Oceanology were also invited to attend the workshop.
The workshop was presided over by Professor Yu Zhiming, principal investigator of task 2. Professor Yin Baoshu, Tan Yehui, Sun Song, Liu Dongyan and Yu Fei, the leading scientists of the sub-tasks, introduced the implementation plans which were in changed by them. Experts evaluated the scientific questions, missions, strategy and expected achievements of the subtasks. Based on the suggestions given by the experts, members of task 2 made a thorough discussion on the implementation plans. The requirements on further revision of the tasks were also raised during the meeting.