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NPOCE SSC-2013 Meeting was held in Lijiang, China
Update time: 2013-07-19
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Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (NPOCE) Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting was successfully held in Lijiang, China on July 10, 2013. This event attracted more than 30 experts from China, United States, Australia, Germany, Japan and Korea etc, including the SSG co-chair of WCRP/CLIVAR Prof. Martin Visbeck, co-chair of CLIVAR Pacific Panel Dr. Wenju Cai, the chair of SPICE SSC Dr. Alexandre Ganachaud, and some members of CLIVAR Pacific Panel.

As the chair of NPOCE SSC and the initiator of NPOCE international-joint program, Chinese Academician Dunxin Hu hosted the opening ceremony together with Dr. Wenju Cai on behalf of the organizers. Academician Hu summarized the research work and achievement during 2012-2013, introduced four new SSC members, and emphasized the performance of NPOCE of 2012-2013 and the future work in 2014.

During the meeting, members of NPOCE SSC presented the latest achievement in the last year respectively, as well as the project application, field experiments etc. As to the further operation of NPOCE, SSC members focused on mooring design, data management and sharing policy etc. The time and place of the second Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate (OSS-WPOC) is determined. To keep NPOCE administration effectively conduct, this meeting formulated a series of regulations and selected two vice-chairs, Prof. Stephen Riser from University of Washington and Prof. Dongliang Yuan from Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS), providing assistance to the NPOCE –related work.
The NPOCE SSC meeting highly appreciated the efforts and devotion to every SSC member, effectively promoted the sustainable development, and efficiently reinforced the international cooperation.
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