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Helmholtz Association delegation visited IOCAS
Update time: 2013-10-09
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  October 8, President of the Helmholtz Association, Professor Jurgen Mlynek, Director of the Helmholtz Centre -- Alfred Wegener Institute AWI, Professor Lochte Karin, and Director of Helmholtz Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht -- HZG, Professor Emeis Kay and the delegation visited Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Deputy Director Professor Li Tiegang presided over the meeting.

  Deputy Director Li Tiegang welcomed Helmholtz Association representatives. He briefly introduced the institute, the main research fields, research progress, and international cooperation to the guests. Subsequently, he focused on marine geology, marine ecology and environment and other aspects’ basic research and achievements. Professor Jurgen Mlynek introduced Helmholtz Association of National Research Centre’s organizational structure and main research areas as well as the purpose of this visit. As Germany’s largest state-level research institutions, the Helmholtz Association of National Research Center has a clear focus on technology planning and comprehensive application of basic research. Professor Lochte Karin gave a report on Polar research progress. Helmholtz Association delegation expressed it is with great importance to cooperate with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the purpose of this visit is to understand the layout of the main research disciplines , research facilities and personnel , and to facilitate the cooperation on the relevant fields.

  The delegation visited Marine Biological Specimen Museum, Breeding Laboratories, Marine Biological Culture Collection Centre, etc. in the company of Dr. Li Tiegang and the Director of YIC-CAS Dr. Luo Yongming. Helmholtz Association and IOCAS expect the effective cooperation in near future.

  The Helmholtz Association researches major challenges to secure the future of our society. With almost 33500 staff in 18 research centres, the Helmholtz Association is Germany’s largest scientific organisation. The research programmes in the Helmholtz Association's six research fields tackle the major challenges and pressing issues facing society and develop sustainable solutions for tomorrow and beyond. Its work is divided into six strategic research fields: Energy; Earth and Environment; Health; Key Technologies; Structure of Matter; and Aeronautics, Space and Transport. The Helmholtz Association is dedicated to pursuing the long-term research goals of state and society, and to maintaining and improving the livelihoods of the population. In order to do this, the Helmholtz Association carries out top-level research to identify and explore the major challenges facing society, science and the economy.
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