R/V Ke Xue established shore-based video connection |
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R/V Ke Xue established a long distance video connection with shore-based command center of IOCAS in Qingdao when carrying on an ROV comprehensive sea trial at 2:00pm on 17th March. Li Tiegang, deputy director of IOCAS and other staffs from Research Vessel Operation and Management Center and Public Technical Service Center attended the video conference with Captain Sui Yiyong and Zhang Xin, deputy dean of Engineering & Technology Department concerning the progress of equipment sea trial, the precious materials and samples obtained by ROV and its potential scientific issues, etc. The video contact is helped by onboard VSAT satellite communications system which is able to implement real-time signal transmission via a desktop video conference system of CAS. The parameters are also optimized as to satellite communication channels. The contact process is smooth with good results. It is believed that remote video connection systems will provide strong support for the safe operation and efficient implementation of its scientific objectives of R/V Ke Xue. |