The draft sequencing and analysis of the genome of Takifugu flavidus has been accomplished |
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The research team headed by Prof. Linsheng Song have achieved the draft sequencing and analysis of the genome of Takifugu flavidus,and the results were published by DNA Research (Full article can be accessed through:http://dnaresearch.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/07/22/dnares.dsu025.long ). The pufferfish T. flavidus is an important economic species due to its outstanding flavour and high market value. It has been regarded as an excellent model of genetic study for decades as well. Using the SOLiD4 next-generation sequencing platform, T. flavidus genome were sequenced and the total sequencing length was about 76.0 Gb, covering over190-fold of the whole genome. The draft genome was constructed with the short reads using an assisted assembly strategy, which consisted of 50,947 scaffolds with an N50 value of 305.7 k. The compactness of T. flavidus genome was approximate with that of T. rubripes genome. There were 30,285 protein-encoding genes whose protein products had an average length of 519.9 aa. There are a total of 51,990 GO annotations were assigned, 270,803 InterPro annotations were corresponding to 21,848 protein signatures and 117 metabolic pathways were affiliated by the presumptive protein encoding genes of T. flavidus in the KEGG database. This research was based on powerful sequencing and computing capabilities of the marine bio-genetic resource platform in IOCAS. The publication of the results highlighted the innovation ability of the marine bio-genetic resources platform.These results also provided a valuable resource for understanding the genomic background of pufferfish, and laid a good foundation for both fundamental and applied research in the future. |