Invited by professor Tung Arthur Chen, from Sun Yat-sen’s University in Taiwan, Prof. ZENG carried out a 15-day long survey of submarine hydrothermal activity near Kueishantao island and Lutao island. The main work is as follows.
Prof. Zeng and his colleagues set a total of 26 stations for sampling in Kueishantao hydrothermal field, and 17 stations have successfully collected samples of hydrothermal fluids, hydrothermal plume water, hydrothermal diffusion water, and background seawater. In situ hydrothermal fluid temperature and flow were gained as well. Rock samples were collected from 9 stations near hydrothermal vents, bubble wall and 10 meters away from the vents without bubbles. Fluid samples were filtrated and analyzed for the value of pH and Eh immediately in the lab. And the rock samples were pretreated in the lab as well, including classification, description and photographing. All samples will be used for the study of mass flux and stability of hydrothermal fluid, hydrothermal diffusion, and the influence of hydrothermal alteration on basement rocks.
In the Zhaori hot spring area in Lutao Island, they collected fluid samples from egg boiling area at intertidal zone and measured the venting temperature at an interval of 1 hour according to the tidal pattern. Besides, fluid samples from coastal bubble area, coral reefs and pyroclastic rocks near the hot spring were gained as well. In addition, we obtained rock samples at 6 stations around Lutao Island. Fluid samples were filtrated and analyzed for the value of pH and Eh immediately in the lab. And the rock samples were pretreated in the lab as well, including classification, description and photographing. All Samples will be studied for the formation mechanism of hydrothermal fluid, the influence of hydrothermal alteration on basement rocks and the origin of volcaniclastic rocks in Lutao island.