2nd meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Steering Committee was held in IOCAS on March 25-27, 2013. Marine scientists and technology workers from more than 10 countries (China, Australia, the United States, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Argentina, Brazil, and Japan etc.) attended the meeting. The meeting involved in the field of marine chemistry, marine geology, physical marine, fishery resources, marine biotechnology research. It looked forward to the global ocean observing work plan for the next decade, to determine the main future research direction of the global ocean observing.
At the opening ceremony, director Sun Song of IOCAS made a welcome speech and introduced the Institute’s key research areas, and leading technology achievements in recent years. GOOS Steering Committee Co-Chair Dr. John Gunn explained the purpose and significance of the meeting; Co-Chair Dr. Eric Lindstrom participated through teleconferencing system in the United States. Deputy Director of the First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Dr. Qiao Fangli attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.
During the meeting, Director Sun Song, Dr. Wang Fan of the Bureau of Resources and Environment, CAS, Dr. Yu Weidong from the First Institute of Oceanography, SOA , Professor Wu Lixin from Ocean University of China delivered academic reports on ‘Ecosystem observing activities in China: From Continental shelf to the Western Pacific’, ‘Observing activities of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (NPOCE) in China’, ‘The intra-seasonal to intra-annual variability in Eastern Indian Ocean’ and ‘Progresses in regional and global ocean observations by China’ respectively.
After the meeting, the foreign guests visited the major national infrastructure projects in marine science research vessel ‘KEXUE’ and Marine Biological Specimen Museum, Jellyfish breeding laboratory, and Marine Biological Culture Collection Centre etc.
GOOS (Global Ocean Observing System) is a global system for sustained observations of the ocean comprising the oceanographic component of the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS). GOOS is administrated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). GOOS is a platform for international cooperation for sustained observations of the oceans; generation of oceanographic products and services; interaction between research, operational, and user communities. GOOS serves oceanographic researchers, coastal managers, parties to international conventions, national meteorological and oceanographic agencies, hydrographic offices, marine and coastal industries, policy makers and the interested general public. The GOOS Scientific Steering Committee provides guidance, the Intergovernmental Committee for GOOS provides for national support.