Expert Meeting on Marine Biodiversity and Eutrophication in the Northwest Pacific Region was held by NOWPAP CEARAC (Northwest Pacific Action Plan, Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre) during the period from August 5th to 6th, 2013, after implementing its 2012-2013 biennium activities. Almost 30 experts and researchers from China, Japan, Korea and Russia participated in the expert meeting, presenting their 2012-2013 biennium work, respectively. Professor Zhiming Yu, Dr. Zaixing Wu from IOCAS, China attended the meeting.
NOWPAP was affiliated to the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), and was established by China, Japan, Korea and Russia in 1994 with focus on conservation and protection of coastal environment in the region. Within the NOWPAP framework, the CEARAC aims at developing eutrophication assessment methods (the NOWPAP Common Procedure) for assessing the trophic status of coastal waters in this region. Professor Zhiming Yu was one of the experts in the CEARAC workgroup (WG3), representing China as a member state to accomplish NOWPAP regional activities and tasks.
In the 2012-2013 biennium expert meeting, Professor Zhiming Yu presented the 2012-2013 biennium tasks of China and introduced the application of the NOWPAP Common Procedure in China coastal areas. He also gave a presentation on Eutrophication assessment of Jiaozhou Bay. After the presentation, Professor Zhiming Yu and Dr. Zaixing Wu also discussed the topics on “Revision of the NOWPAP Common Procedure” and “New proposal for the 2014-2015 biennium”.
Aiming at detecting and eliminating coastal eutrophication in Northwest Pacific region, the NOWPAP will focus on more and more coastal waters in the future, scientifically assessing the trophic status of coastal waters and implementing management actions.

Members were participating the 2013 Expert Meeting on Marine Biodiversity and Eutrophication in the Northwest Pacific Region

Professor Zhiming Yu is presenting the 2012-2013 biennium work of China: Application of NOWPAP Common Procedure for eutrophication assessment of Chinese coastal waters.