Dr. Michel DENIS from Aix-Marseille University Visited IOCAS |
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Dr. Michel DENIS,who came from Aix-Marseille University, invited to visit Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences as the “Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists”. Recently Prof. DENIS made a specific report titled “Combining in situ high frequency observation of phytoplankton and meso-zooplankton in the western Mediterranean Sea”. The reported experiment took place in the frame of the INCOMMET (Improving National Capacities in Observation and Management of Marine Environment in Tunisia). For the first time the high frequency observation of phytoplankton by means of automated flow cytometry was coupled to high frequency observation of meso-zooplankton involving LISST (Light Induced Scatter Signal and transmissiometry) and UVP (Under-water Video Profiler). The experiment conducted onboard the Tunisian RV Hannibal, along a transect from Tunis to Sfax and within the Gulf of Gabès, aimed at training Tunisian scientists to these emergent technologies. A professional film maker covered the experiment and the resulting movie (21 min) was shown and commented. The report provided a good opportunity to exchange ideas for the teachers and students. 