On August 4, Professor Gao Wen, deputy director of the national natural science foundation of China, and the delegation visited Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and researched on the arrangements and implements of “The Project of Marine Science Research Centre funded by NSFC and Shandong Provincial Government”.
Party secretary, Dr. Wang Fan, deputy director Dr. Wang Hui, related administrators of Research Administration Office, and some experts of the project attended the conference. Professor Hu Dunxin, Academician of CAS, and some experts in IOCAS participated in the discussion.
Firstly, Prof. Gao introduced that the main purpose of this research was to advance and promote the implementations of the project and achievements of major research progress. Dr. Wang Fan welcomed Professor Gao Wen and the delegation, and appreciated for the long-term support from the national natural science foundation of China. Dr. Wang Hui briefly introduced the institute to the guests, and reviewed on the National Science Foundation Projects conducted by IOCAS, and the related research progress. Subsequently, Dr. Yu Zhiming, the head of the project, introduced the overall implementation. Experts evaluated the scientific questions, missions, strategies and uses of funds, and made some key suggestions for the implements of the project.
After the meeting, Prof. Gao and the delegation visited Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Marine Biological Specimen Museum, Jellyfish Laboratory, etc.

Prof.Gao visited Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences