2015 joint research between IOCAS and LIPI |
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Dr.Wang Zheng, Li Yao and Li Xiang (from IOCAS) attended the 2015 joint research between Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Research Centre for Oceanography/LIPI from October 18th to November 23rd. This research survey went perfect well and successfully. 3 mooring systems were retrieved and redeployed in Maluku Strait, and 2 moorings were deployed in Lifamatola and Halmahera Strait, respectively.26 CTD and 14 XCTD station measurement was conducted. They also released 15 surface drifters. There are more than 80 piece of measurement equipment was retrieved or deployed and keep 100% success rate. This time research survey is one of the biggest research activities in this area and we also made an achievement of deploying the largest number of mooring at one time in the Indonesian seas. The research vessel - Baruna Jaya VIII arrived at Jakarta on November 18th, which represents the accomplishment of this survey. On October 20-21th, they also visited RCO/LIPI. The director of the RCO - Dirhamsyah, other scientists like Adhitya Wardana, Dewi Surinati with us had a scientific meeting. We talked about the schedule of the survey, fundamental task, sailing route et al. Especially about the retrieve and deploy of the mooring during this survey. We also discussed the plan of operation for the next year. During 22th, they visited the R/V Baruna Jaya VIII and prepared all the equipment and instrument of the cruise. 