During March 21-25th, 2016, Professor Sandra E. Shumway from University of Connecticut visited the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) at the invitation of the Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences (KLMEES). In the past years, Professor Shumway has been recognized as an expert on the biology and ecology of harmful algal blooms, shellfish, etc. During the visit, she shared ideas with researchers in KLMEES and gave a report entitled “Mitigating coastal eutrophication: are filter-feeding shellfish the answer?”. Meanwhile, Professor Shumway has also been engaged in editing and publishing of scientific papers. Currently, she acted as the editors-in-chief of four international famous journal, including Harmful Algae, Journal of Shellfish Research, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, and Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture. She had a lecture on how to publish scientific papers, and participated in a warm discussion with young researchers and students in the institute. During her visit time, scientists worked on experimental marine biology and harmful algal blooms introduced their research directions and progress to Professor Shumway. Professor Shumway also introduced a novel material to control biofouling in aquaculture facilities. The two sides reached a preliminary intent on further cooperation This visit came up several initial agreements on further collaboration and provided a good opportunity for the researchers of IOCAS to exchange ideas with international experts in the field.  |