the 12th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP12) was hold in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The conference aimed at the communication of researchers from different countries focusing on paleoceanography. The conference is divided into five sessions, including Time Scales and Rates of Change, Paleo Proxies: Development, Calibration and Application, Biogeochemical Cycles, Biota and Evolution, System Dynamics and Ocean-Ice-Continent Interactions and Reconstructing the Future. 28 experts from different organizations gave oral presentations and about 600 researchers gave the Poster presentations which covered every aspect of paleoceanography.
Dr. Bingbin Qin, Qi Jia and Jingteng Guo gave Poster presentations on the conference. The topics were “Deep water carbonate ion concentration variations in the western equatorial Pacific during the last 250 kyr: A shell weight study of planktonic foraminifera”, “Foraminiferal carbon and oxygen isotope composition characteristics and their paleoceanographic implications in the north margin of the western Pacific Warm Pool over the past about 700,000 years”, “Controls on Sea Surface pH and pCO2 in the Western Tropical Pacific during the Last 150 ka”, respectively.
During the conference, we communicated and discussed warmly with the professors and students, we have broadened our ideas of research on paleoceanography and got the recent progresses about this research area, which will be helpful to our further study and research.