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Li Tiegang
Update time: 2011-05-19
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Birth date: August 14, 1965


1988  B. S.  Geology Department, Beijing University
1991  M. S.  Marine Geology Department, Institute of Oceanology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
1996  Ph. D.  Marine Geology Department, Institute of Oceanology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Specialization Field: Marine Micropaleontology and Paleoceanography

Present Appointment: Research Professor, Assistant director of Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science

Work and Study Experience:

1988-1991  Assistant researcher in the project "Paleoceanography of the  special areas in the West Pacific" supported by NSFC, Marine Geology Department, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1991-1993 Assistant researcher in the project "Study on the long-term changes of geomagnetic field and paleo-climate" supported by NSFC, Marine Geology Department, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1993-1995 Assistant researcher professor in the project "Study on the sedimentary system of the Okinawa Trough Since the Late Pleistocene" supported by SOA, Marine Geology Department, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1994-1996 Assistant researcher professor in the major project "Study on the Paleo-environment of the Bohai Sea" supported by CAS, Marine Geology Department, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1997  Assistant Researcher Professor in paleo-environment interpreting dedicated to ESSO oil Co. USA.

1998-2000 Associate Researcher Professor in the key project "Study on paleo-environment evolution of the Okinawa Trough and its adjacent shelves" supported by NSFC, Marine Geology Department, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

1999-2000 Research scholarship at the Department of Earth Sciences, Godwin Laboratory, Cambridge University under the direction of Professor Sir Nocholas Shackleton.

2000- Researcher Professor in marine micropaleontology and paleoceanography Marine Geology Department, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2003- Assistant director of Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science

Honors and Awards:
1996 Won the Outstanding Younger Scientist Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1997 Won the Second Prize of Science and Technology Development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
2001 Won the Second Prize of Ocean Innovation Achievements,State Ocean Administration
2003 Won the First Prize of Ocean Innovation Achievements,State Ocean Administration

Li Tiegang, 1991, Palaeoclimate changes in the marginal seas of western Equatorial Pacific from the last glacial age. Thesis for M. S., IOCAS, (unpulished).

Cang Shuxi, Yan Jun, Li Tiegang, 1992, Paleoceanography of special area in the West Pacific, Qingdao University Press. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Cang Shuxi, Li Tiegang et al., 1993, Paleoceanography researches for a certain area of the West Pacific Ocean since 0.15ma B. P.. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, Vol.13, No.3 (in Chinese with English abstract).

Li Tiegang, Xue Shengji, 1994, Calcium carbonate cycles in the marginal sea of western Equatorial Pacific and their paleoceanographic implication during Holocene/Glaciation. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, Vol.16, No.2 (in Chinese with English abstract).

Li Tiegang, Cang Shuxi, 1994, Planktonic foraminiferal fourier shape analysis and its paleo-environmental implication. Marine Science, No.2. (in Chinese)

Cang Shuxi, Li Tiegang et al., 1995, The Study on Paleoceanographic Environmental Change Process since Late Pleistocene. In: Geological Hazards and Environmental Studies of China Offshore Areas, Dedicated to the 14th INQUA Congress, Qingdao Ocean University Press.

Cang Shuxi, Li Tiegang, 1995, Sea level change and human environment. Marine Science, No.2. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Li Tiegang, Yan Jun, Cang Shuxi, 1996, Oxygen isotope records and paleoevironment analysis in core Rd-82 and core Rd-86 in the north of the Okinawa Trough. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, Vol.16, No.2 (in Chinese with English abstract).

Li Tiegang, 1996, Study on paleoceanography of North Okinawa Trough since the Late Pleistocene, thesis for Ph. D, IOCAS, (unpublished)

Li Tiegang, Cang Shuxi, Yan Jun, 1997, Recent benthic foraminiferal distributions in the north part of the Okinawa Trough. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, Vol.28, No.1 (in Chinese with English abstract).

Li Tiegang, Qin Yunshan, Dong Tailu, Cang Shuxi, 1997, Sea Surface Salinity and Bottom Water Oxygenated Condition in Western Pacific Marginal Seas during the Last Glacial. CHIN. J. OCEANOL. LIMNOL., Vol.5 No.1.

Cang Shuxi and Li Tiegang, 1997, Study on The Sea Level Change of Yellow Sea, The Yellow Sea, 7:83-90.

Qin Yunshan, Li Tiegang and Cang Shuxi, 2000, Abrupt changes in the Earth's climate system since the last interglacial, Proceedings in Earth Science Vol.15(3):243-249. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Li Tiegang et al., 2000, Correlations between the Okinawa trough and greenland ice climate records, Acta Oceanologia Sinica(in Chinese with English abstract), Vol.22 Suppl.198-206. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Li Tiegang et al., 2001, The Reconstruction of Paleohydrology of The Southern Yellow Sea Inferred from Foraminiferal Fauna in Core YSDP 102. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica,Vol.31(6):587-595. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Cang Shuxi and Li Tiegang, 1996.Study on the sea level change of the Yellow Sea. In Holocene and Late Pleistocene evironments in the Yellow Sea, Seoul, Korea, pp15-24.

Liu Zhenxia, Y. Saito, Li Tiegang, S. Berne, Cheng Zhenbo, Li Peiying, Li Zhen, F. Guichard, G. Floch, 1999, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol44(18),1705-1709.

Tiegang Li and Jian Liu, 1999. Foraminiferal assemblages and their paleoenvironmental implication in the southeastern Yellow Sea during the Holocene. Proccedings of the first international symposium on geoenvironmental changes and bioadversity, The Korean Jour. Of Quaternary Research, 75-106.

Liu Zhenxia, Li Tiegang, Li Peiying, Huang Qiyu, Li Zhen and Cheng Zhenbo, 2001, The paleoclimateic events and cause in the Okinawa Trough during the last 50 ka BP. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.46(2):153-157.

Tiegang Li, Liu Zhenxia, M. Hall et al. 2001, Heinrich event imprints in the Okinawa Through: evidence from oxygen isotope and planktonic foraminifera. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, , 176 (1-4):133-146.

Tiegang Li, et al., 2001, A broad deglacial (13C minimum event in planktonic foraminiferal records in the Okinawa Trough. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol47(7): 599-603

Xiang Rong, Tiegang Li, 2001. Planktonic foraminifera distribution and modern carbonate dissolution in the southern Okinawa Trough. Earth Science, Vol.26, Suppl. 69-74. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Li Tiegang, Xiang Rong, Sun Rongtao, Cao Qiyuan, 2001. Planktonic and benthic foraminiferal (13C records in surface sediments of the northern Okinawa Trough and their geological environmental implications. Earth Science, Vol.26, Suppl. 69-74. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Chang Fengming Zhuang Lihua, Li Tiegang, et al, 2003. Modern radiolarian assemblage in surfacial sediments of the northeastern Okinawa Trough, Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 34(2): 208-216. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Fengming Chang, Lihua Zhuang, Tiegang Li, Jun Yan, Qiyuan Cao, Shuxi Cang, 2003, Radiolarian fauna in surface sediments of the northeastern East China Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 48:169-204.

Sun Rongtao, Li Tiegang, Cao Qiyuan, Xiang Rong, 2003, Planktonic foraminiferal distribution in the surface sediments in the Northern Okinawa Trough and its relationship to marine environment. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 34(5): 511-518. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Xiang Rong, Li Tiegang, Yang Zuosheng, Yan Jun, 2003, Distribution of benthic foraminifera in surfacial sediments from the Northern Okinawa Trough and its relationship to marine environment. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 34(6): 671-682. (in Chinese with English abstract)

XIANG Rong,LI Tiegang,YANG Zuosheng,LI Anchun,JIANG Fuqing, YAN Jun, CAO Qiyuan,2003. Geological records of marine environmental changes in the southern Okinawa Trough. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(2):194-199.

XIANG Rong, LI Tiegang, YANG Zuosheng, YAN Jun, 2003. Benthic foraminiferal distribution in surface sediments along continental slope of the southern Okinawa Trough: dependance on water mass and food supply. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 22(1): 133-143.

Tiegang Li, Qiyuan Cao, Anchun Li, Yunshan Qin, 2003.Source to sink:sedimentation in the continental margins. Advance in Earth Sciences,18(5):713-721. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Jiang Fuqing,Li Anchun,Li Tiegang, 2002. Geochemical characteristics for core sediments of the southern Okinawa Trough and their paleoenvironment implication. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 22(3): 11-17. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Chang Fenming, Zhuang Lihua, Tiegang Li, Yan Jun, 2002. Radiolarian distribution in surface sediments of the northeastern Okinawa Trough and its relationship to environmental factors, Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 22(2):21-25. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Zhuang Lihua, Chang Fengming, Li Tiegang, Yan Jun, 2002. Foraminiferal faunas and Holocene sedimentation rates of core EY02-2 in the Yellow Sea. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology,22(4):7-14. (in Chinese with English abstract)

Xiang Rong,Li Tiegang,Yan Jun, 2001. Oxygen isotope distribution characteristics and influencing factors of planktonic foraminiferal tests in surface deposits of the Okinawa Trough. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology,2001,3 (21):11-15 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Cang Shuxi, Cao Qiyuan, Li Tiegang, Cang Shuxi. Paleoenvironmental evolution and sea-level changes of the Bohai Sea. The Yellow Sea, 2001,1(7):155-160

LI Tiegang, XIANG Rong, SUN Rongtao, CAO Qiyuan, 2005. Benthic foraminifera and deep-water evolution of the middle and southern Okinawa Trough during the last 18,000 years. Science in China Ser. D Earth Sciences, Vol.48(6),805-814.

Li TG,Sun RT,Zhang DY,Liu ZX,Li Q,Jiang B,2007. Evolution and variation of the Tsushima warm current during the late Quaternary: Evidence from planktonic foraminifera, oxygen and carbon isotopes. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 50 (5): 725-735.

Li T, Zhao J, Sun S, Chang F, Sun H. 2010. The variation of upper ocean structure and paleoproductivity in the Kuroshio source region during the last 200 kyr. Marine Micropaleontology 75: 50–61

Li T G, J T Zhao, Q Y Nan, R T Sun and X K Yu, 2011.Palaeoproductivity evolution in the centre of the western Pacific warm pool during the last 250 ka. Journal of Quaternary Science, in press.

Address: 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China
Tel: 86-532-82898611 Fax: 86-532-82898612
E-mail: IOCAS@ms.qdio.ac.cn