Faculty and Staff
JIN Songjun
Title: Associate Professor
Research Field: Marine invertebrate animal cell culture
Department: Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology
Tel/Fax: 86-532-82898786/82898578

2005,7-2019,7 Associate professor
Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology, IOCAS. Qingdao, China.
A study of ascidian cell culture,gene transfection and induced pluripotent stem cell.
Primary cell culture in Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis)
Functional gene clone and analysis.
Methods: Gene clone; Construction of expression vector and transfection; cell culture; packing retrovirus; Fluorescence in situ hybridization; baculovirus expression system.
2003,4-2004,3 resercher
Korea University, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology.
Reference: Prof. Seho Park.
Application of therapeutic MHC-tetramer in autoimmune diseases.
Methods: Gene clone; Construction of MHC expression vector and transfection; NKT cell culture; Insect cell culture;
1998,3-2003,2 Graduate student
Jeonbug National University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Korea
Reference: Prof. Cangwon Kang.
Study on IGFs and IGFBPs in diabate rat or pregnancy rat.
Methods: RadioImmunoassays,RIA; Western blotting; RT-PCR; cell culture; protease assay.
1996,7-1998,2 Assistant professor
College of Veterinary Medicine, Yianbian National University.
Electrophysilolgy Research
1992,9-1996,7 Undergraduate student
College of Veterinary Medicine, Yianbian National University.


Sep. 2000 - Feb. 2003: Study at Jeonbug National University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Korea (Ph.D.)
Feb. 1998 - Aug. 2000: Study at Jeonbug National University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Korea (M.D.)
Sep. 1992 - Jun. 1996: Study at Yanbian University, College of Veterinary Medicine, China (B.D.)


Research Interests
Marine invertebrate animal cell culture; Gene function; Protein expression


Selected Publications
(1)Jianbo Yuan, Yi Gao, Lina Sun, Songjun Jin, Xiaojun Zhang,Chengzhang Liu, Fuhua Li and Jianhai Xiang* Wnt Signaling Pathway Linked to Intestinal Regeneration via Evolutionary Patterns and Gene Expression in the Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Front. Genet. 19 February 2019 ,112
(2)Xiaojun Zhang, Jianbo Yuan, Yamin Sun, Shihao Li1, Yi Gao, Yang Yu, Chengzhang Liu, Quanchao Wang, Xinjia Lv, Xiaoxi Zhang, Ka Yan Ma, Xiaobo Wang, Wenchao Lin, Long Wang, Xueli Zhu, Chengsong Zhang, Jiquan Zhang, Songjun Jin, Kuijie Yu, Jie Kong, Peng Xu, Jack Chen, Hongbin Zhang, Patrick Sorgeloos, Amir Sagi, Acacia Alcivar-Warren, Zhanjiang Liu, Lei Wang, Jue Ruan, Ka Hou Chu, Bin Liu, Fuhua Li & Jianhai Xiang*. Penaeid shrimp genome provides insights into benthic adaptation and frequent molting. NatCommun. 2019 Jan 21;10(1):356. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-08197-4.
(3)Xiaojun Zhang, Lina Sun, Jianbo Yuan, Yamin Sun, Yi Gao, Libin Zhang, Shihao Li, Hui Dai, Jean-Franc oisHame, Chengzhang Liu,Yang Yu, Shilin Liu, Wenchao Lin, Kaimin Guo, Songjun Jin, Peng Xu, Kenneth BStorey, Pin Huan, Tao Zhang, Yi Zhou, Jiquan Zhang, Chenggang Lin,Xiaoni Li, Lili Xing, Da Huo, Mingzhe Sun, Lei Wang, Annie Mercier*,Fuhua Li*, Hongsheng Yang*, Jianhai Xiang* The sea cucumber genome provides insights into morphological evolution and visceral regeneration. PloS Biol 15(2017):e 2003790
(4)Xiaohui Xu, Elayaraja Sivaramasamy, Songjun Jin, Fuhua Li, Jianhai Xiang Establishment and characterization of a skin epidermal cell line from mud loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, (MASE) and its interaction with three bacterial pathogens Fish & Shellfish Immunology,2016, 55 : 444-451。
(5) Duan, Hu,Jin, Songjun,Zhang, Yan,Li, Fuhua,Xiang, Jianhai(*),Granulocytes of the red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus can endocytose beads,E. coli and WSSV, but in different ways,Developmental and Comparative Immunology,2014,46(2):186-193。