French Delegation Visit Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Mr. Francois Guinot, Honorary President of French National Academy of Engineering and Mr. Andre Villalonga from Embassy of the Republic of France paid a visit to the Institute of Oceanology, CAS ( IOCAS) on March 31. Prof. SUN Song, the director of IOCAS, and other researchers received the guests in IOCAS.
Director SUN introduced the IOCAS of its history, research personnel, achievement, and facilities. Members from both sides had a deep discussion and exchange on marine ecosystems, algae germ plasma preservation, fundamental research of biofuel-producing micro algae and cultivation and development of micro algae. After the meeting, the delegation visited some laboratories, which laid a strong foundation for our future cooperation.
French National Academy of Engineering is a public service organization, it was founded by French National Center for Scientific Research on Dec. 12, 2000. One of its responsibilities is to make recommendations for scientific research and development.
In December 2008, when Mr. LU Yongxiang, President of Chinese Academy of Sciences and his delegation visited French, at the invitation of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France (CNRS), he had a deep discussion with Mr. Francois Guinot. In May 2009, Mr. Guinot paid a visit back to Beijing, and was warmly received by President LU Yongxiang.

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