The theme of this symposium was “Seaweed Science for Sustainable Prosperity”. As the member of International Seaweed Association Council (ISAC), Pang shaojun delivered the first plenary presentation titled as “Seaweed Cultivation in China: achievements vs challenges”. In this symposium, information on updated advancements in seaweed sciences and application fields were discussed and exchanged including “Sustainable harvesting practices and impacts”, “Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture”, “Environmental and social impacts of seaweed farming”, “Physiology and systematics”, “Seaweed biofuels”, “Seaweeds as food and feed”, “Population ecology, biodiversity and biogeography”, “Carbon and nitrogen credits and climate change”, “Application of seaweed extracts”, and “Phycopathology and diseases in seaweeds”.
Dr. Liu Feng (Associate professor) and Dr. Shan Tifeng delivered talks “Understanding the Recurrent Large-scale Green Tides in the Yellow Sea of China” and “Latest advance in variety breeding and seedling production of the brown seaweed Undaria pinnatifida at the major farming ground of China”, respectively. Scientists from IOCAS have had stimulating discussion and exchanges with phycologists from other countries and widened research vision through this most important seaweed conference.

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