Based on two previous events of NPOCE webinar series, the 3rd NPOCE webinar, held on August 30, 2022, pushed it to a new climax with a much broader participation from worldwide over 20 institutions of Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and United States. This event is convened by William Kessler, a member of NPOCE scientific steering committee (SSC) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (NOAA/PMEL) and organized by NPOCE office.
Part of participants
Three invited talks were presented in this webinar. The first talk was given by Dr. Kelvin Richards from University of Hawaii at Manoa, a well-known professor with expertise in ocean mixing and its impacts on ENSO and ecosystem, etc. He shared his recent study titled "Capturing small scale features in observations and models, and their impact". The second report entitled "ENSO, IOD, and the Indonesian Throughflow in CMIP models" was presented by Dr. Agus Santoso from University of New South Wales, who has dedicated to tropical climate variability, global thermohaline circulation, and climate models. Dr. Linlin Zhang offered perspective of his latest work on "Currents off the Papua New Guinea coast during and after the El Nino of 2015-16". He is a physical oceanographer from Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences with wide experience in the research of three-dimensional structure and multi-scale variability of the ocean circulation in the western tropical Pacific.
Report given by Dr. Kelvin Richards
This event has not only maintained its appeal to early-career scientists, the targeted audience, but also broaden to experts from worldwide intuitions, which leads to more effective exchanges in an extensive way. The 4th NPOCE Webinar themed on Influences of western Pacific Ocean on regional/global climate will be held in late September. Fan Wang, the chair of NPOCE SSC will serve as the convener. We welcome both students and researchers to share your recent study on the coming NPOCE webinar in September (register at NPOCE web: Should you have any questions, please contact the NPOCE office at

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