- 2016-12-13AIMS, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences sign joint research agreement
- 2016-10-13Dr. Margaret Leinen visited IOCAS
- 2016-04-07Prof. Sun Song Headed a Delegation to US SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography
- 2015-12-21Institute of Oceanology’s First Meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Board
- 2015-11-26Chinese research vessel heads West Pacific for El Nino study
- 2015-11-23OBITUARY
- 2015-11-23Academician Qin Yunshan profile
- 2015-11-23OBITUARY
- 2015-11-20Probathylepadidae, a new family of Scalpelliformes -- progress in diversity of crustacean from de...
- 2015-11-03The 2nd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate was held
- 2015-10-22The 11th meeting of the International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanogra...
- 2015-08-26International Project Office of Climate Variability and Predictability(CLIVAR) Visits RV KEXUE
- 2015-07-13Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan, China Welcome Scolars from IOCAS

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