Upcoming Events
  • Insurance for an uncertain climate
    In December, negotiators at the Paris climate meeting adopted insurance as an instrument to aid climate adaptation. Earlier in the year, the leaders of the G7 pledged to bring climate insurance...
  • Predicting severe hail storms
    When a hail storm moved through Fort Worth, Texas on May 5, 1995, it battered the highly populated area with hail up to 4 inches in diameter and struck a local outdoor festival known as the For...
  • Ancient seaweed fossils some of the oldest of multicellular life
    Honing in on when life on Earth evolved from single-celled to multicellular organisms is no easy task. Organisms that old lacked many distinguishing characteristics of modern life forms, making...
  • Genomic study of epidemic dysentery reveals how Europe exported a scourge worldwide
    The largest genetic study on the bacterium responsible for epidemic dysentery has revealed that the Shigella dysenteriae pathogen, which remains a real scourge in Africa and Asia, probably orig...
  • Scientists part the clouds on how droplets form
    There is enough known about cloud formation that replicating its mechanism has become a staple of the school science project scene. But a new study by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energ...
  • Understanding why nights are getting warmer faster than days
    Observations from the last fifty years have shown that the nights have been warming much faster than the days .Analysis of the causes of this more rapid warming at night shows that this is like...Observations from the last fifty years have shown that the nights have been warming much faster than the days. Analysis of the causes of this more rapid warming at night shows that this is like...
  • Warming ocean water undercuts Antarctic ice shelves
    " Upside-down rivers " of warm ocean water threaten the stability of floating ice shelves in Antarctica .According to a new study led by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder ' s Na..."Upside-down rivers" of warm ocean water threaten the stability of floating ice shelves in Antarctica, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder's Nation...
  • 11111111
    For what may be the first time , NOAA and partner scientists eavesdropped on the deepest part of the world ' s ocean and instead of finding a sea of silence , discovered a cacophony of sounds b...For what may be the first time, NOAA and partner scientists eavesdropped on the deepest part of the world's ocean and instead of finding a sea of silence, discovered a cacophony of sounds both ...
  • Research will help policymakers plan for sea level rise
    A new study by University of Georgia researchers could help protect more than 13 million American homes that will be threatened by rising sea levels by the end of the century.
      It is the fir...
  • Marine protected areas can benefit large sharks
    Researchers at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science published new findings that suggest the expansion of protected areas into U.S. federal waters wou...