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  • Corals struggle to grow under multiple stressors
    A new study from researchers at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science found that multiple stressors might be too much for corals. The findings have im...
  • 1200 years of water balance data challenge climate models
    Water availability in the Northern Hemisphere has seen much larger changes during the past twelve centuries than during twentieth century global warming, a new study in Nature reports. The team...
  • Warming climate puts Europe at risk for seasonal outbreaks of dengue fever
    Increasing temperatures will enlarge Europe's seasonal window for the potential spread of mosquito-borne viral disease, expanding the geographic areas at risk for a dengue epidemic to include m...
  • How deep does life go? Study describes microbial neighborhood beneath ocean floor
    One of the startling discoveries about life on Earth in the past 25 years is that it can -- and does -- flourish beneath the ocean floor, in the planet's dark, dense, rocky crust.
      The only ...
  • Fighting fiddler crabs call each other's bluff
    Male fiddler crabs bluff their way through fights. They also adapt their combat strategies if they have lost their original enlarged claw and have regrown a more fragile, weaker one. These are ...
  • Better global ocean management
    New groundbreaking research shows that with improved fishing approaches -- compared to business as usual -- the majority of the world's wild fisheries could be at healthy levels in just 10 year...
  • Predators drive social complexity
    Variation in social organization and behavior of highly social animals like cichlids is primarily explained by predation risk and related ecological factors. This stresses the significance of p...
  • Ocean temps predict US heat waves 50 days out
    The formation of a distinct pattern of sea surface temperatures in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean can predict an increased chance of summertime heat waves in the eastern half of the Unit...
  • 2016 Arctic sea ice wintertime extent hits another record low
    Arctic sea ice appears to have reached a record low wintertime maximum extent for the second year in a row, according to scientists at the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSID...
  • GOES-R satellite could provide better data for hurricane prediction
    The launch of the GOES-R geostationary satellite in October 2016 could herald a new era for predicting hurricanes, according to Penn State researchers. The wealth of information from this new s...