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  • Climate change rapidly warming world's lakes
    The study is the largest of its kind and the first to use a combination of satellite temperature data and long-term ground measurements. A total of 235 lakes, representing more than half of the...
  • Greenland Ice Sheet during the 20th Century -- a missing link in IPCC's climate report
    The fluctuating temperatures and their effect on the Greenland Ice Sheet during the 20th Century is often a matter highly debated. One reason for this has been the lack of direct observations o...
  • Recent shift in relationship among species that prevailed for more than 300 million years
    The study, published in the journal Nature, offers the first long-term view of how species associated with each other for half of the existence of multicellular life on Earth, says co-author Do...
  • Earth's tilt influences climate change
    I took the data and put it through a mathematical prism so I could look at the patterns and that's where we see the obliquity cycle, that 41,000-year cycle. From that, we can go in and look at ...
  • Babe Ruth and earthquake hazard maps
    Earthquake hazard maps use assumptions about where, when, and how big future earthquakes will be to predict the level of shaking. The results are used in designing earthquake-resistant building...
  • Researchers advance understanding of mountain watersheds
    The scientists conducted geophysical surveys to estimate the volume of open pore space in the subsurface at three sites around the country. Computer models of the state of stress at those sites...
  • Earthquakes recorded through fossils
    Over the past three decades, researchers have found stratigraphic evidence of subsidence occurring during earthquakes beneath the salt marshes of Humboldt Bay, California, USA, at the southern ...
  • Deep-sea hydrothermal vents have carbon-removing properties
    Hydrothermal vents are hotspots of activity on the otherwise dark, cold ocean floor. Since their discovery, scientists have been intrigued by these deep ocean ecosystems, studying their potenti...
  • Northwest's next big earthquake: Source mapped
    A new report from five members of the mapping team describes how the movement of the ocean-bottom Juan de Fuca plate is connected to the flow of the mantle 150 kilometers (100 miles) undergroun...
  • Cracking the problem of river growth
    In fracture mechanics, the theory of local symmetry predicts that, for example, a crack in a wall will grow in a direction in which the surrounding stress is symmetric around the crack's tip.