Upcoming Events
  • Faster way to assess ocean ecosystem health
    "Until now, we've had to look at the condition of different species and habitats individually. Having an easy-to-adopt approach that gives us a good idea of what is happening to the ecosystem a...
  • Growing Antarctic ice sheet caused ancient Mediterranean to dry up
    The event, known as the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), saw the Mediterranean become a 1.5km deep basin for around 270,000 years. It also left a kilometers-deep layer of salt due to seawater e...
  • Unified approach to combating several bacterial diseases
    The research began by studying Actinomyces bacteria, which commonly cause oral abscesses and gum tissue infections. As it happens, the most odious species of this type must rely on Actinomyces ...
  • Surprising source for ancient life biomarker
    Tetrahymanol is a fatty molecule, or lipid, found in the membranes enclosing eukaryotic cells, the class of cells that carry their genetic material in compartments called nuclei. Eukaryotes can...
  • Cancer-causing parasite may accelerate wound healing
    JCU scientists at the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) have discovered that the parasitic worm that kills tens of thousands of people every year may also supercharge...
  • Scientists find cells rhythmically regulate their genes
    Now, a new study from Caltech researchers shows that pulsing can allow two proteins to interact with each other in a rhythmic fashion that allows them to control genes. Specifically, when the e...
  • Invasive birds spreading avian malaria in eastern Australia
    Nicholas Clark found that up to 40% of Indian Mynas in the South East Queensland region can carry malaria parasites. While they can't infect humans, the parasites pose a significant threat to n...
  • New research maps areas most vulnerable to ocean acidification
    "These findings will help us better understand and develop strategies to adapt to the severity of ocean acidification in different marine ecosystems around the world," said Richard A. Feely, a ...
  • Tiny DNA building block is identical regardless of species
    "As a physicist, I attempt to find the answers to these questions in the worlds of mathematics and physics. And in these contexts, our calculations demonstrate that the size of the nucleosomes ...
  • Future coastal climate not cool for redwood forests
    Fourteen redwood parks are located in this area, including Big Basin Redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park south of Carmel, and Garrapata State Park between Carm...