Name:(姓名):Feng Xing-ru
Title:(职称):Associate Researcher
Research Field:(研究领域):Physical Oceanography
2016 – present, Associate Researcher, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ph.D., 2012, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
B.S. , 2007, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China.
Professional Memberships:(组织任职)
Research Interests:(研究方向)
Wave-current interaction, Storm surge, Air-sea interaction, Surface waves, Tide and tidal current, tsunami, Numerical simulation.
Honors and Awards:(获得荣誉、获奖情况)
Selected Publications:(发表论文、专利、出版书籍等):
1. Feng Xingru, Li Mingjie, Yin Baoshu, Yang Dezhou, Yang Hongwei, 2018. Study of storm surge trends in typhoon-prone coastal areas based on observations and surge-wave coupled simulations. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 68: 272-278.
2. Xingru Feng, Baoshu Yin, Song Gao, Peitao Wang, Tao Bai, Dezhou Yang, 2017. Assessment of tsunami hazard for coastal areas of Shandong Province, China. Applied Ocean Research. 62:37~48.
3. Xingru Feng, Baoshu Yin, Dezhou Yang, 2016. Development of an unstructured-grid wave-current coupled model and its application. Ocean Modelling.104:213~225.
4. Xingru Feng, Baoshu Yin*, Dezhou Yang,2012. Effect of hurricane paths on storm surge response at Tianjin, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.106:58~68.
5. Feng xingru, Yin Baoshu*, Yang Dezhou,2011. The effect of wave-induced radiation stress on storm surge during Typhoon Saomai(2006). Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 30(3), 20~26.
6. Weiqi Wan, Xingru Feng*, Qiuxing Liu, Baoshu Yin, Dezhou Yang, Guandong Gao. 2019. Study of the Tide and Tidal Currents in the Bay of Bengal Based on Refined Simulations. Journal of Coastal Research. 35(1),33-40.
7. Yang wankang, Yinbaoshu, Feng Xingru, Yangdezhou, Gaoguandong, Chen Haiyang, 2019.The effect of nonlinear factors on tide-surge interaction: A case study of Typhoon Rammasun in Tieshan Bay, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 219, 420-428.
8. Yang, W., Feng, X*., Yin, B. J. Ocean. Limnol. (2019).

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