NInstitute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
DONG DongDong


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Name: Dongdong Dong


Subject: Submarine tectonics and geophysics

Tel/Fax: 86-532-82898872


Address: 7 Nanhai Road


Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences



2019 – Professor, Institute of Oceanology, CAS

2018.04-2018.06 Senior visiting scholar, University of Bremen

2015.12-2016.05 Visiting scholar, University of Bremen

2011.01-2019.05 Associate Prof., Institute of Oceanology, CAS

2010.06-2010.07 Visiting scholar, University of Hamburg

2008.07-2010.12 Research assistant, Institute of Oceanology, CAS



Ph.D. 2008. Graduate University of CAS

B.Sc. 2003. Ocean University of China


Professional Memberships:(组织任职)

Council Member, Geophysical Society of Shandong Province (2014-)

Member, Chinese Geophysical Society (2014-)

Member, European Geosciences Union (2019-)

Member, American Geophysical Union (2017-)


Research Interests:(研究领域)

 Quantitative tectonic analysis in rift margin, numerical modelling of the continental rifting, Tectonics and evolution in the subduction zone, rifting of the oceanic plateau  


Selected Publications:(发表论文、出版书籍)

1、 Zhengyi Zhang, Dongdong Dong*, Weidong Sun, Guangxu Zhang, Yongliang Bai. Investigation of an oceanic plateau formation and rifting initiation model implied by the Caroline Ridge on the Caroline Plate, western Pacific. International Geology Review, 2020, Doi:10.1080/00206814.2019.1707126

2、 Zhengyi Zhang, Dongdong Dong*, Weidong Sun, Shiguo Wu, Yongliang Bai, Xiujuan Wang, Jianke Fan. Subduction erosion, crustal structure, and an evolutionary model of the northern Yap subduction zone: New observations from the latest geophysical survey. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2019, 20: 166-182.

3、 Dongdong Dong, Zhengyi Zhang, Yongliang Bai, Jianke Fan, Guangxu Zhang. Topographic and sedimentary features in the Yap subduction zone and their implications for the Caroline Ridge subduction. Tectonophysics, 2018, 722: 410-421

4、 Zhang Qiao, Wu Shiguo, Dong Dongdong*. Cenozoic magmatism in the northern continental margin of the South China Sea: evidence from seismic profiles. Marine Geophysical Research, 2016, 37(2): 71-94

5、 Dong Dongdong, Wu Shiguo, Li Jiabiao, Thomas Lüdmann. Tectonic contrast between the conjugate margins of the South China Sea and the implication for the differential extensional model. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(6): 1415-1426.

6、 Dong Dongdong, Zhang Gongcheng, Zhong Kai, Yuan Shengqiang, Wu Shiguo. Tectonic evolution and dynamics of the deepwater area of Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Journal of Earth Science, 2009, 20(1): 147-159

7、 Dong Dongdong, Wu Shiguo, Zhang Gongcheng Yuan Shengqiang. Rifting process and formation mechanisms of syn-rift stage prolongation in the deepwater basin, northern South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53 (23):3715-3725

8、 Yongliang Bai, Dongdong Dong, Sascha Brune, Shiguo Wu, Zhenjie Wang. Crustal Stretching Style Variations in the Northern Margin of the South China Sea. Tectonophysics, 2019, 751: 1-12.

9、 Yongliang Bai, Dongdong Dong, Jon F Kirby, Simon E Williams, Zhenjie Wang. The effect of dynamic topography and gravity on lithospheric effective elastic thickness estimation: a case study. Geophysical Journal International, 2018. 214(1): 623-634.

10、 Dongdong Dong, Guangxu Zhang, Jin Qian, Jianke Fan, Zhengyi Zhang, Guoliang Zhang. Geomorphology and stratigraphic framework of the Yap subduction zone, western Pacific. Marine geology and Quaternary Geology, 2017, 37(1): 59-65 (Chinese version with English abstract)


Books published:

Zhendong Luan, Dongdong Dong. Geophysical Atlas of typical seas in the Western Pacific. Beijing: Science Press, 2019, 124 Pages, ISBN 9787030627490

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