Research News
  • Prof. Dun ZHANG's microbial corrosion mechanism research in Canada
    Prof. Dun ZHANG was invited to visit Professor Frank Cheng’s research group in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Calgary in Canada. And Dr. Shiqiang Chen is joint training of postdoctoral, who communicate w...Prof. Dun ZHANG was invited to visit Professor Frank Cheng’s research group in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Calgary in Canada. And Dr. Shiqiang Chen is joint training of postdoctoral, who communicate w...
    Aug 05, 2016
  • Young Scientists attended Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2016
    During July 11th to13th, the Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2016 (TCS 2016) was hold in National University of Singapore. The meeting aimed at the communication of researchers from different countries focusing on crustaceans. The experts Shirley S...During July 11th to13th, the Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2016 (TCS 2016) was hold in National University of Singapore. The meeting aimed at the communication of researchers from different countries focusing on crustaceans. The experts Shirley S...
    Aug 01, 2016
  • Prof. Yaoling NIU attended 3rd Global Geologists Annual Meeting
    Invited by Prof. Anthony Ewart from University of Queensland and Prof. David H Green from University of Tasmania, Prof. Yaoling NIU attended 3rd Global Geologists Annual Meeting and visited University of Queensland and University of Tasmania, respective...
    Aug 01, 2016
  • Scientific visiting to Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
    Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences is located in Saint Petersburg, Russia, with near 200 years history and great influence on the world. It houses the biggest Zoological Museum in Russia, which is also one of the ten largest nature hist...
    Jul 25, 2016
  • IODP Expedition 351 post-cruise meeting
    The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), developed from “Deep Sea Drilling Project” (DSDP), is an international marine geoscience research collaboration that explores Earth's history and dynamics using ocean-going research platforms to recove...
    Jul 13, 2016
  • International Workshops on Coastal Subsidence
    Subsidence is generated by numerous natural and anthropogenic processes. Land subsidence is a widespread phenomenon, particularly relevant to transitional environments, such as wetlands, deltas, and lagoons, characterized by low elevation with respect t...
    Jul 12, 2016
  • The Moscow forum Protist-2016
    The Moscow forum Protist-2016 took place at Moscow State University during June 6-10, 2016 and gathered leading researchers in all protistological fields, from molecular biology to ecology, stimulated cross-disciplinary interactions, and established lon...
    Jul 12, 2016
  • Research on steel corrosion in concrete infrastructure
    The State Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has launched Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction. Research on steel corrosion in concrete infrastructure is one of the most important topics for this enginee...
    Jul 11, 2016