Research Progress
- 2017-06-13Chinese scientists predict "green tides"
- 2017-06-07Surface Current in “Hotspot” Serves as a New and Effective Precursor for El Nino Prediction
- 2017-05-27Molecular Evidence Reveals Cryptic Speciation of the Japanese Mantis Shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria
- 2017-05-27Lamellomphalus manusensis --A new taxon was founded
- 2017-04-21Rainfall change contributes to modulating the Indonesian Throughflow and Indo-Pacific inter-basin...
- 2017-04-17A scallop with slowly evolving genome and a novel expression pattern of Hox genes
- 2017-03-24A unifying rheological model reconciles a wide range of observations of episodic tremor and slip
- 2017-03-15A finding on the fundamental role of CO2 in the origin of alkali basalt
- 2017-02-08Unexpected result: Ocean acidification can also promote shell formation
- 2017-02-08Increasing factory and auto emissions disrupt natural cycle in East China Sea
- 2009-09-02Marine Environmental Engineering R&D
- 2009-09-02Ocean Circulation and Wave Studies
- 2009-08-31Quality and Sustainable Development in Mariculture

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