- 2013-07-10Scientists from IOCAS participated in the First International conference of Fish and Shellfish Im...
- 2013-06-26A workshop of Task 2 of the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Science...
- 2013-06-18Scientists from IOCAS participated in the Fourth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium
- 2013-05-31International Workshop on Tectonics of West Pacific and Evolution of Marginal Sea was held in Qin...
- 2013-05-23Xin Zhang from IOCAS participated in the MBARI’s Southern California Cold Seep Expedition
- 2013-05-10Scientists from IOCAS participated in the 21st International Seaweed Symposium
- 2013-04-16Successful Cultivation Trials of Saccharina New Varieties “B013 and A040”
- 2013-04-15Transcriptome Analysis of Artificial Hybrid Pufferfish Jiyan-1 and Its Parental Species: Implicat...
- 2013-03-15Cultivation Trials of Undaria New Variety “Haibao No.1”
- 2013-01-21Artificial Breeding Technology of Bohadschia argus Made Great Progress
- 2012-11-14Novel Understanding the Recurrent Large-scale Green Tide in the Yellow Sea
- 2012-10-25Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate
- 2012-10-09China's Most Advanced Research Ship Delivered

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