- 2010-07-19Nutrient-Type Behavior of Selenium in Bohai Bay
- 2010-07-19The Brown Alga Undaria Pinnatifida: sex-linked microsatellite marker detected and confirmed in th...
- 2010-06-02NPOCE Inauguration Meeting Held in Qindao, China
- 2010-05-28PCT Patent “Transformation of Seaweed Utilizing Biolistic Gene Transfer to Spores” Authorized i...
- 2010-05-17Census of Marine Zooplankton Steering Group Meeting Convened
- 2010-04-08French Delegation Visit Institute of Oceanology, CAS
- 2010-02-22International Workshop on NPOCE Implementation Convened
- 2010-01-29High Performance Computing Center Established
- 2009-11-04《Biogeochemical Processes of Biogenic Elements in the China Marginal Seas》has been published by...
- 2009-09-09The Basic Design and Budget of Multi-Purpose Oceanographic Research Vessel was Approved
- 2009-06-19Yiqijiepi Texture—A Newly Nominated Sedimentary Texture
- 2009-06-19Dr. Pang Shaojun was elected to become a member of the International Seaweed Association Council ...
- 2009-06-04Updated development of microalgal culture in Marine Biological Culture Collection Centre (MBCCC)

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