Research Progress
- 2022-04-12Do Adult Eelgrass Shoots Rule Seedling Fate in Large Seagrass Meadow in Eutrophic Bay of Northern...
- 2022-04-08How Do Atmospheric Water Vapor and Energy Transport Affect Sea Ice Variations?
- 2022-04-02Study Unveils Two Flavors of Intraseasonal Variability and Their Dynamics in North Equatorial Cur...
- 2022-04-01How Does Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulate El Nino-related Eastward Transport Anomaly?
- 2022-03-28Researchers Determine Critical Threshold of Dissolved Oxygen for Survival of Blue Mussel
- 2022-03-23Dune Field Battles are Found in Progress on the Seafloor: Study
- 2022-03-23Scientists Reassess Geohazards of Buried Landslide Deposits and Their Impact on Seabed Ecosystems
- 2022-03-21Scientists Construct New Global Surface Ocean CO2 Partial Pressure Product Using Regional-specifi...
- 2022-03-18Larval Shell Formation in a Patellogastropod Mollusk Requires Nonmuscle Myosin II
- 2022-03-16How Does AI-2 Affect Carbon Steel Corrosion Caused by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria?
- 2022-03-14Using Artificial Neural Network Helps Improve ENSO Predictions
- 2022-03-08Scientists Discover Thermally-triggered Self-healing Epoxy Coating for Corrosion Protection
- 2022-03-07Researchers Apply Quantitative Seismic Interpretation to Characterize Gas Hydrate Reservoirs
- 2022-03-04Scientists First Raise Sustainable Diffusion Source to Fabricate Anticorrosion Metallic Coatings
- 2022-03-03Researchers Unveil Two-Way Intrusions Between Kuroshio and Less-Saline Shelf Water in Southern Ea...

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